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Himalayan Singing Bowl On-Body Sound Massage


"A massage from the inside out"


For this treatment you will be lying face down on the massage couch and the Himalayan singing bowl is placed directly onto your clothed body.

The bowl is first chimed along your spine, creating beautiful sounds and vibrations that will gently awaken and stimulate your vital energy to flow freely.  The treatment then moves to longer flowing massage moves with increased pressure and resonance. When these bowls are played on the body, the harmonising vibrations and frequencies achieve a direct and very deep level of release and relaxation within every muscle and cell, quickly restoring your energy and calming the whole nervous system. This treatment can effectively relieve both tension and pain in the body and you will leave feeling completely relaxed and blissed out.

Scientifically it has been proved to have many physiological benefits, some of which can be read about in more detail if you click here



(Recommended to dress comfortably in smooth/soft/stretchy attire & bring some socks too).

For the full range of treatments available
& details please click Booking & Treatments

 At Beautiful Venues in Devon

Sound Medicine & Frequency Therapy  


These are deeply therapeutic treatments using specific frequencies, harmonies and vibrations that are tailor-made and prescribed specifically for you. The therapeutic sound, biofield tuning and vibrational resonance is a powerful way to bring your body back into harmonious balance; resetting your brainwaves, realigning your energetic body and retuning your biological system.
You can either be immersed in the frequency medicine of Himalayan bowls, crystal practitioner alchemy bowls, tuning forks, or any combination depending on what is being treated.  Scientific research shows many benefits and they are all different, but wonderful healing modalities. These sessions can also have Reiki, (Holy Fire & Usui) Egyptian Sekhem or Crystal Healing added to them too.


You will feel the wonderful results and effects after just one session, but if possible it is recommended to book a course of treatments, ideally with a 7-10 day interval. This ensures there are longer term changes that remain within your cells and body.

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Usui Holy Fire Reiki & Crystal Therapy

Beautifully designed holistic treatments to gently balance your physical and subtle bodies and enhance a sense of calmness. These are non-invasive vibrational energy-based systems of healing that can restore your energy balance and improve your wellbeing, while also helping to support your body's own healing system.

Reiki is a Japanese technique, meaning universal energy & was developed by Mikao Usui in the early C20th.

The energy is known as 'Ki' in Japan, 'Chi' in China and 'Prana' in India. These can be designed for you in several ways, or as a chakra balancing session to shift blocked energy. 


A treatment can be combined with crystals which have the ability to hold and emit energy vibrations and affect our electro-magnetic energy fields.  Each crystal, shape and mineral content can initiate a specific effect on the energy balance of our chakras, meridians, organs and emotions..There are many layouts to choose from and the combination used will be carefully and intuitively curated to match your therapeutic needs.

Therapeutic Sound For Your Wellbeing 


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